Mkata Nyoni
Profile details
Project Name
Team Leader
Mkata Nyoni
About Me
As an innovator, I want to use TanzMED and open data to increase the supply, usage and sharing of health information to achieve several goals: increase male partner participation in creating a safe environment for AGYW; prevent AGYW against risks of getting HIV/AIDS and other STDs; and create new sources of income and employment for local health workers.
Team Members
Mkata Nyoni, Lucy Johnbosco, Joseph Chuwa, Nauma Maarifa, Sophia Mangapi, Peter Mtavangu
Male partnership to protect AGYW against HIV/AIDS
Male participation has been a challenge in the fight against HIV. This is partly because many HIV campaigns fail to reach male partners due to stereotype issues and social responsibilities. Also, in Tanzania, few platforms exist that enable users to get health knowledge and consultations easily. Although platforms like AfyaPal, Afya Call and others provide health knowledge, they do not complete the cycle of information. For example, they may give someone knowledge but not guidance on where to go next. Also, there is no easy way to consult online with a medical specialist. In the end, these platforms fall short of providing full services in the war against HIV/AIDS.Therefore, the 780,000 Tanzanian women age 15 and above do not have a complete, online source to learn about how to protect themselves from HIV as they navigate their reproductive age. To fight this problem, we need to empower Tanzanian society with health knowledge and useful information. We especially need to reach male partners.TanzMED offers health knowledge that will educate male partners on how to protect AGYW against HIV/AIDS and the importance of doing so. TanzMED also features a consultation platform, which can be private or public. Users may receive consultation anytime, anywhere without anyone knowing. Our facilities database will help users locate nearby health services. These facilities can be Hospital, Dispensary, ARV centers and so on. We will establish male clubs in selected districts to motivate male participation in protecting AGYW in a friendly way.