Khalila Mbowe
Beautiful You Initiative
Profile details
Project Name
Beautiful You Initiative
Team Leader
Khalila Mbowe
Teenage Pregnancy
The Beautiful You Initiative creates digital and physicals platforms for open dialogue on the issues that closely affect young girls, inspires them to share their challenges and empowers them to collectively drive solutions. We have resolved to leverage the power of story/experience sharing by promoting cross-age group dialogue on key issues affecting the dreams of the Tanzanian girl child as well as connect young girls to relevant experts. This platform brings a fun, relatable, and interactive approach to communicating with young girls ages 13 to 25 years in urban and semi-urban settings and has proven to keep them actively engaged.The girls can engage with the Beautiful You Initiative in 3 key ways (1) The Beautiful Together Talk show that shall be live on YouTube; (2) The Beautiful You School workshops; (3) Clubs: These will be informed of a) digital hubs on social media, b) school clubs.