Fabstech LTD
Smart Growth Application
Profile details
Project Name
Smart Growth Application: A pocket child healthy growth electronic diary
Fabstech LTD
Team Leader
Linda Mlunde
An electronic diary will give autonomy to caregivers. It will follow the child’s growth in real-time; provide instant dietary information and what the child would be required to eat in terms of diversity, frequency, and amount of food; remind caregivers of important milestones in immunization and clinics visits.The smart growth application will collect data on children’s anthropometric measures including weight, height, and feeding practices. This data will be converted into nutrition status and IYCF indicators. At this point, such data in Tanzania is only available from TDHS and Nutrition surveys, and not routinely collected. If the application will be reached by all people attending clinics, and continue to be used routinely and independently, it will provide instant information to the government and implementers on nutrition and feeding data. This will also increase the demand for data when people are sensitized to use it.