Eunice Likotiko
Genge Mkononi
Profile details
Project Name
Genge Mkononi
Team Leader
Eunice David Likotiko
About Me
As a young woman who believes in the power of technology to inspire and empower individuals to change their lives, I want to use technology to support youth engaged in selling agricultural produce by providing a mobile app that links them with potential buyers and provides data on market trends to inform their business decisions.
Team Members
Joyce Philipo Mnunguli and Winifrida David Likotiko
Develop and encourage linkages between young people and economic opportunities
Many Tanzanian youth work in the agriculture sector, selling produce such as vegetables, fruits, grains, poultry and dairy products. These young, small-scale retailers face challenges such as a limited customer base, an inefficient purchasing process, price fluctuations, and poor records management. The GengeApp offers a mobile-based solution that links agricultural produce retailers with their customers, enabling the sale of products via mobile phones. GengeApp will use data generated within the app to analyze purchasing trends and predict which products are likely to be needed in the coming days, and where these products will be needed. This solution will help retailers to widen their customer base, improve sales record management, and plan their products based on actual demand. Ultimately, this service will improve their income and boost the country’s economy.