Ubongo Learning
Interactive Infotainment for Economic Empowerment
Profile details
Project Name
Interactive Infotainment for Economic Empowerment
Team Leader
Shezheen Ladha
Team Members
Nisha Ligon, Shezheen Ladha, Doreen Kessy, Anold Thadei, Christina Bwana and Cvetta Ngoma
About Us
As a learning organization, we want to leverage our edutainment and relevant data about education and economics to improve adolescent girls’ economic empowerment, and increase their security, agency and self-efficacy.
Economic empowerment
Ubongo Learning already has connections to 2.1 million household audience (including 900,000 adolescent girls) through our existing channels. We will leverage these connections to reach adolescent girls with edutainment that improves their financial knowledge and agency. By increasing data literacy as we develop financial literacy, we will empower girls to use relevant data about education and economics to make decisions about their lives. Through this initiative, we hope to improve adolescent girls’ economic empowerment and to increase their security, agency and self-efficacy. Over time, this will increase the demand for data by introducing our audience to data about education and economics, discussing it, and encouraging them to assess how it’s relevant in their own lives. We will present our data and feedback to key stakeholders and collaborate to shape policy that can impact girls’ economic empowerment in Tanzania.