I'm a Dodoma University student and CEO of Bwilotech Co. Ltd. I know the pain of dropping out of school, so I make innovative tools to protect current students from the consequences of dropping out. As a software developer and young entrepreneur, I want to use both data technology (DT) and information technology (IT) to stimulate parents’ involvement in their children’s education. My goal is to reduce truancy and school dropout rates among Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW).
2nd Innovation Challenge Winners
Musafiri Mbilinyi
Jilinde Game
As an animator and game developer, I want to bridge the gap between entertainment and data by harnessing the power of mobile games in the fight against HIV/AIDS among adolescent girls and young women (AGYW). My game will encourage AGYW to make the right decisions in life and pursue their endeavors.
Mkata Nyoni
As an innovator, I want to use TanzMED and open data to increase the supply, usage and sharing of health information to achieve several goals: increase male partner participation in creating a safe environment for AGYW; prevent AGYW against risks of getting HIV/AIDS and other STDs; and create new sources of income and employment for local health workers.
MariaDorin Shayo
My team wants to use a desktop application to aggregate truancy data sets so that we can reduce school dropout rates, and ultimately the risk of contracting HIV/AIDS among AGYW.
Leyla Hamis Liana
Mlinde Game App
According to USAID, 17,000 girls acquire new HIV infections each year and current educational methods are insufficient. Our team will use games to educate males partners, age 15-24 years, and generate data about their behavior preferences.
Judith Leo
Early-warning Dropout Visualization (EDV) Tool
As a young data scientist, I want to integrate high quality, open data into a tool that can help reduce adolescent girls’ school dropouts and in-return achieve reduction of HIV/AIDS contraction by young women.
Hussein Juma Kiranga
Rate My School application
According to PO RALG education reports, school dropout rates have reached 10% on average. I want to use an online platform to generate real-time data on students’ school attendance so that we can enhance follow up and undertake necessary actions to minimize dropouts.
Fatma Abbas Kombo
As a young woman, I want to use an online platform to connect youth with information and counseling on sex education and the risks of HIV infection, as well as map of HIV testing points, to ensure that adolescent girls and young women have complete information that can protect them against HIV.
Emila T Msangi
Binti na Maamuzi (BnM)
As a human resource for health officer, I want to use data on violence against adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) so that we improve access to health care services - especially those related to HIV/AIDS - and contribute to reduction in the local prevalence of HIV/AIDS.
Ubongo Learning
Interactive Infotainment for Economic Empowerment
As a learning organization, we want to leverage our edutainment and relevant data about education and economics to improve adolescent girls’ economic empowerment, and increase their security, agency and self-efficacy.