After two successful Challenges, the Data for Local Impact (DLI) Innovation Challenge is planning a third Challenge Window. DLI held its second Challenge Window in May 2017 after the first one in October 2016. While the first Challenge focused on improving health and the second Challenge focused on protecting adolescent girls and young women against HIV, the third Challenge Window will focus on Economic Empowerment, Youth Employment and Sustainable Development Goal 8. SDG8 promotes sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
The DLI Innovation Challenge supports the Sustainable Development Goals and aims to contribute to progress in the areas of Health and Wellbeing (SDG3), Gender Equality (SDG 5) and Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG8).
This new Challenge aligns with the DLI’s mission aims to engage, support, and connect Tanzanian innovators, developers, and solution providers to bring difference in people’s lives through increased use of or access to data. The DLI Innovation Challenge team therefore encourages all Tanzanian innovators to keenly discuss the topic and bring your best ideas to the challenges facing Economic Empowerment, Youth Employment and Sustainable Development Goal 8.
Winners of the DLI Innovation Challenge receive grants that enable them to develop the proposed solution over a period of 3-6 months. DLI awards grants to individuals or teams in the range of USD 10,000-25,000 (about TShm25 or Tsh50) along with grants to organisations in the range of USD 75,000-100,000 (about TSh150m-Tsh215). Winners are also paired with a mentor, who will help them to develop their innovative ideas into a final product. They also receive training and grant management support from the DLI Innovation Challenge Team.
DLI therefore opens the door to all Tanzanians who want to make a difference in their fellow Tanzanians’ lives through their creativity about how to use or combine data, including open data. For those interested, please visit the DLI website for updates on commencement dates and more tips about the coming challenge.
Interested? Connect with us on social media to learn about open data, the third Challenge, and other funding opportunities related to data and innovation. @DLIInnovation, @dLabTZ, @datazetu, #InnovationTZ, #DataRevolutionTZ #LocalDataUse and #OpenData.
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