As an experienced developer, I want to use geographic information and community-generated ratings to enable health facility users to be able to find a certain service and know the quality of that service using their mobile phone. I also want to use data from the Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority (TFDA) database to enable patients to check that the drugs they receive are registered in Tanzania.
1st Innovation Challenge Winners
Rose Peter Funja
Dropoutness likelihood index tool
As a woman and an engineer, I want to use predictive analytics and machine learning to help District Planning Officers predict the impact of education budgets on the school dropout rates among girls so that we can reduce these dropout rates and help girls get an education.
Rahim Abas Kiobya
Geo-Afya (GIS in Healthcare Services)
As a data scientist, I want to combine geographic information with open data sets to map public health resources and diseases in relation to their environment so that we can improve healthcare surveillance.
Rachel Samuel Nungu
As a medical doctor, I want to act as a medium between the community and the health facility authorities. I want to give the people of Tanzania a voice to share their views on the quality of health services they receive, and I want to use this data to help health governing bodies improve service quality so that people trust the health facilities and receive the best care.
Mohammad A. Msoma
Health Loc
As a native of Zanzibar, I want to use open data to help my fellow citizens (and tourists) to locate the nearest hospital and pharmacy in Zanzibar in real time when they need medical assistance so that they know where to go.
Lulu Said Ameir
Be a Lady (Menstrual Hygiene Management)
As a young, female entrepreneur, I want to install sanitary pad vending machines in schools to help adolescent girls have access to affordable pads. Then I want to collect data to prove that these vending machines can reduce school absenteeism due to menstruation. It is not only about being an entrepreneur, but also accomplishing the goal of helping my fellow girls and women, because this is the problem we women face.
Joyce Samwel Msigwa
Doctor Fasta
As someone who had trouble finding the right specialist for a health problem, I want to use SMS mobile technology to link health experts (doctors and specialists) to people who need care, especially in the rural areas, so that Tanzanians can connect with the health services they need quickly and easily.
Josephat Geoffrey Mandara
Tausi Jukwaa
As an older brother of a young girl, it pains me to hear that female students are not attending school during their menstruation period. I want to use an electronic platform to share information about Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) in secondary schools so that girls can understand and practice MHM, and we can reduce the number of dropouts from schools due to menstruation.
Jonathan Manyama Kifunda
Usichana Wangu Kwanza
As a community activist, I want to use data to develop a Menstruation Period Management (MPM) toolkit to educate girls, parents, and teachers so that we can encourage open conversations around MPM and help them understand that menstruation period for a woman is a prestige; it’s not a curse. The goal is to eventually keep young women and girls in school by lowering absenteeism caused by MPM.
Jackson Ilangali
Hospital Info System
As a medical doctor by training, I want to use mobile technology to increase the accessibility of information that is available in the online Health Facility Registry so that patients can enquire by SMS about the types of services offered in nearby health facilities and make decisions about the best place to go for care.
George Elly Matto
As an innovator who wants to help my community, I want to use mobile technology to make data from the Health Facility Registry available through all mobile phones in both English and Swahili so that everyone can access information about health facilities in Tanzania.
Bukhary Kibonajoro
As a young innovator and entrepreneur in the information technology sector, I want to use health service quality data to provide access to better healthcare services - especially to medicines - for the poorer people who generally seek care at public health facilities so that we can SAVE: save time, save money, save lives by ensuring that people get affordable medicines at their public health facilities in a timely manner.